FOAHK Thought Leadership Series | Investing into Multi-asset Income Funds

September 6, 2023

Family Office Association Hong Kong (FOAHK) will host our latest webinar on September 6, 2:00-3:00pm, titled “Investing into Multi-asset Income Funds”, together with Morningstar.


Webinar Details

Date: 6 September 2023 (Wednesday)

Time: 2:00PM – 3:00PM HKT


Bond yields have shot up following the fastest rate hike cycle in recent history, but investors’ interest in multi-asset income funds has subsided, deterred by their uninspiring recent performance and the compelling cash rates today. Many have turned to cash-like products for income and security in a time of heightened economic uncertainties. But shunning multi-asset income funds could be a mistake amid amore yield-abundant environment with improved long-term prospects. In this upcoming webinar, Bryan Cheung, Associate Director, Manager Research from Morningstar will discuss:

  • Key considerations for investing into multi-asset income funds with vastly different income objectives, geographic focus, and risk/return profiles.
  • How a fund’s product design, income source, and durability of payouts impact our fund recommendations based on Morningstar Medalist Ratings, our forward-looking rating for funds.
  • Case studies on how popular multi-asset income funds in Asia have been navigating the evolving market backdrop and specific challenges in the region, such as the downfall of the China property sector.