FOAHK Thought Leadership Series | Investment Opportunities in China And Emerging Asia

March 22, 2023

Family Office Association Hong Kong (FOAHK) will host our latest webinar on March 22, 9:00-10:00am, titled “Investment Opportunities in China And Emerging Asia”, together with BCA Research.

The growth, policy and investment landscapes have changed considerably in China. Investment frameworks that have worked in China in the past 20-25 years are no longer valid. How investors should approach investing in China? What are investment opportunities in emerging Asia? Do India and Indonesia offer compelling investment opportunities? 

In this webinar, we will discuss: 

•            Understanding the paradigm shift in China’s economic policy and implications for investors 

•            Has China moved from labor surpluses to shortages? 

•            Is the property market is out of woods? 

•            A new era for platform companies 

•            How do India and Indonesia compare in terms of investment appeal? 


Date:  22 March 2023 (Wednesday) 
Time:  9:00AM – 10:00AM HKT 


Arthur Budaghyan |  Chief Strategist, China Investment Strategy and Emerging Markets Strategy, BCA Research 

Arthur Budaghyan is BCA Research’s Chief Strategist, China Investment Strategy and Emerging Markets Strategy. Since joining BCA in 1999,he has been responsible for EM trading strategies and became the Chief Strategist of the Emerging Markets Strategy in 2005. Prior to BCA, Arthur worked for a regulatory government agency in Armenia supervising financial markets. Arthur has an MBA from American University of Armenia, a Masters in Economic Policy Management from McGill University, and is a CFA charterholder.